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106 E. Church St.
Orlando, FL 32801


Weekday School is a Christian preschool serving children ages 2 1/2 to 5 years.  Our school is known for its committed teaching staff, play-based learning environment, and personalized focus on each child. Small class sizes and a strong network of parent volunteers ensure that the Weekday School is an ideal place for young children to grow and learn.




from the director | october 2018

Vicki Rutledge

At Open House, I talked about starting with WHY. Why are you doing what you are doing as a parent? I proposed that if we are going to be intentional as parents we have to be mindful of our “why” and then make “how” and “what” decisions based on that criteria.

Your preschooler can help you remember to start with why because “Why?” is their favorite question to ask. Though this constant questioning can be maddening at times, it’s helpful to remember that this is typical for this age.

“Children’s innate curiosity plays a big part in their ‘why’ questions…‘why’ questions help them make sense of the world around them that they are just beginning to learn about. These “why” questions also help spur and accelerate learning. Rebecca A. Palacios, Ph.D.

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Thank you for contributing to our September Outreach initiative to benefit the Boys & Girls Club of Central Florida. I want to share WHY we do Outreach projects at Weekday School. We believe that every good thing we have been given, including our material blessings, are gifts from God (James 1:17). We also believe that God blesses us for a distinct purpose - so that we can bless the people around us (Genesis 12:2). We care about the needs of ALL the children and families in our community, not just the ones that drive through our carpool line. Outreach projects give us a tangible way to practice blessing others.

Our next Outreach Project will coincide with our Thanksgiving Coffee & Worship Service on Wednesday, November 14th. We’re asking children to bring canned food to class starting in November. The teachers will be talking about giving, why we give, how we give, as well as talking children in our community who do not a pantry full of food like so many of us do. The children will bring the canned food (or boxed cereal, etc) with them to the Thanksgiving Worship service and place them on a table at the front of the sanctuary as an offering. Then they sing songs - and it’s just so fantastic! Grandparents and family friends are welcome to attend. A flyer will be coming home in school bags in a week or so.

Two more quick reminders!

We passed out our Health Policy at Open House. It’s in our parent handbook but I’m linking it here as well: WDS Health Policy. Our accreditation standards require that we inform you regularly about this policy. One great challenge of preschoolers is that there are very generous with their germs, especially since they touch everything and have their fingers in mouths on a regular basis. Thank you for keeping your child home if he/she is sick.

FUN FAIR! It’s time to purchase your tickets before the price increases. If you are unable to attend the actual event, please know there are lots of ways to participate and contribute. Why do we Fun Fair? Because the money raised helps us do things above and beyond what tuition dollars cover - like keep class sizes small, introduce new curriculum & training for our teachers, and support scholarships as well. THANK YOU for what you are already doing to make this a great event.

Happy October!

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