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106 E. Church St.
Orlando, FL 32801


Weekday School is a Christian preschool serving children ages 2 1/2 to 5 years.  Our school is known for its committed teaching staff, play-based learning environment, and personalized focus on each child. Small class sizes and a strong network of parent volunteers ensure that the Weekday School is an ideal place for young children to grow and learn.




try this at home | august 2017

Vicki Rutledge

Praying with your preschool is one of the best and easiest way to nurture spiritual development. But sometimes pray intimidates adults. Don't Stress. With preschoolers it is so easy. Why? Because young children are naturally receptive to learning about God. And because they are concrete thinkers, simple, short prayers work best. Here are three resources to support you as practice prayer at home:

  1. How to Teach Toddlers and Preschoolers to Pray
  2. A Simple Way to Teach Kids How to Pray
  3. Teaching Your Child How To Pray