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106 E. Church St.
Orlando, FL 32801


Weekday School is a Christian preschool serving children ages 2 1/2 to 5 years.  Our school is known for its committed teaching staff, play-based learning environment, and personalized focus on each child. Small class sizes and a strong network of parent volunteers ensure that the Weekday School is an ideal place for young children to grow and learn.




from the director | january 2020

Vicki Rutledge

Happy New Year, everyone! We’ve had a great first week of 2020 which included reuniting with our school friends and our new 2 Plus children and families. These little ones are off to a fantastic start.

Rolling into the new year!

Rolling into the new year!

January is a “meaty” month. I have a LOT of important information to share with you. Let’s get straight to it!

Next week we begin enrollment for next school year (2020-21) for current 2 Day, 2 Plus, and 3 Day students. Be on the lookout for your email with an online form to complete. You will be billed the non-refundable registration fee (which holds your child’s spot) through Brightwheel. Tuition will be increasing by $15/month for next year with only slight increases in some “extra fees.” Click here to see the financial information for the 2020-2021 school year. 

I also want to mention that we receive grant money and fundraise (FUN FAIR!) every year to provide scholarships for families who find private preschool tuition a stretch. We never want money to be a reason a family doesn’t return to Weekday School.  To apply for tuition assistance for the next school year complete this simple form

If you’re a 3 Day parent who is curious about how our 4 Day program prepares children for kindergarten, you’re invited to attend the 4 Day Preview next Wednesday, January 15th right after morning carpool (9:15am in Room 215). I’ll provide some information about our curriculum and then we’ll pop into a few 4 Day classrooms LIVE. RSVP here to attend.

Let’s take a few deep breaths. There is more. I know, I’m running the risk of TLDNR.

In February, our 4 Day teachers will lead their classes through a NEW six week Child Protection Unit unit as a part of our social-emotional curriculum. These important lessons will focus on what children can do to keep themselves safe including body safety and what safe/unsafe touch means.  4 Day Parents will receive lesson outlines in advance as well as some great resources just for parents. One of these resources is an opportunity to participate in an online seminar that teaches parents how sexual abuse prevention can be implemented in your home. You can read more about this in “Tune Into Child Protection” in this newsletter or this website: Shielding Innocence. If you decide to enroll in the online course use the code WEEKDAYSCHOOL for a discount.

Finally! Word of mouth is one of the best ways for new families to learn about our preschool. I’m asking for your help.  As we begin enrollment for the 2020-21 school year, if a new family lists YOU in the “referred by” field of their online form and enrolls their child in our preschool, you’ll receive a $25 Amazon gift card from us.  Just a little something to thank you for being on our marketing team! We have an Open House for prospective families on the morning on January 23. Tell your friends to RSVP on our website to be included.

It’s easy to get wrapping up in lots of planning and goal setting at the beginning of a new year (and decade!). All well and good. At the same time, it’s helpful to remind ourselves in these January days that just as God has brought us faithfully to today, He is the one who knows and holds our future. Better than trusting our plan, we trust our Divine Planner. As preschoolers love to sing: God holds the whole world, the tiny babies, the wind and rain, and you and me in his hands.

In Christ,

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