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106 E. Church St.
Orlando, FL 32801


Weekday School is a Christian preschool serving children ages 2 1/2 to 5 years.  Our school is known for its committed teaching staff, play-based learning environment, and personalized focus on each child. Small class sizes and a strong network of parent volunteers ensure that the Weekday School is an ideal place for young children to grow and learn.




from the director | february 2015

Vicki Rutledge

This week as I was doing my daily walkabout in the classrooms, I snapped this picture with my phone.  Pink paint on the soap dispenser means one thing - children are preparing for Valentine’s Day!  

Funny story - a teacher said one of the boys in her class didn’t want pink paint on his hands for a Valentine’s art project because he was “allergic” to the color pink.  To prove his point, he proceeded to pretend sneeze repeatedly.  

These kids…they crack me up. 

Life with young children can be joyful in many ways.  However, when you bump up against something your child doesn’t FEEL like doing - watch out!  Whether it is using pink paint or going to bed at a designated time or eating vegetables, young children often respond to these scenarios on an impulsive, emotional level.  It’s just how their brains are wired at this stage of development.  As a parent, being on the receiving end of tears, tantrums, and defiant behavior can be overwhelming and frustrating and can trigger strong feelings of our own.  

I must confess that I am fascinated by emotional development and how children can learn skills to regulate and appropriately express their emotions over time.  In the process, I am also learning about my own emotional intelligence (or lack thereof!) and how it effects my ability to parent my own children.  If I told you there are some important things you could do to help you child navigate strong emotions, would you be willing to try them?  I thought so!  Check out “The Power of Acknowledgement” to learn more.  Don’t be discouraged if your efforts to help your child navigate strong emotions do not produce immediate results.  It takes time, repeated experiences, and loving support for children (and adults!) to gain new skills and demonstrate emotional growth.

By now I hope you have heard about our upcoming spring fundraiser at East End Market on Friday, April 10th.  We’ll have appetizers, beverages, live music, children’s art — all in a cool venue.  Book that babysitter!  Invitations will be in the mail by the end of this month.

Happy February!

Beth Hewitt