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106 E. Church St.
Orlando, FL 32801


Weekday School is a Christian preschool serving children ages 2 1/2 to 5 years.  Our school is known for its committed teaching staff, play-based learning environment, and personalized focus on each child. Small class sizes and a strong network of parent volunteers ensure that the Weekday School is an ideal place for young children to grow and learn.




from the director | december 2017

Vicki Rutledge

It’s contagious. You can easily catch this from your preschooler.

Can you guess what is is?

It’s not the stomach bug or the flu.

It’s the Christmas spirit. 

Preschoolers LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Christmas. This season dovetails perfectly with their God-given sense of wonder and delight. That’s why December at Weekday School is one of the merriest months of the year. 

On the surface, this looks like a lot of ornament making, nativity playing, and carol singing all in preparation for our class Christmas parties. (Do not miss! Do not be late!) But at a deeper level, these early years of learning about Jesus’ birth are laying a spiritual foundation that lasts a lifetime. 

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“Small children appear uniquely qualified to understand intimacy with God in ways that may elude them later in life. Perhaps it is their utter trust in their earthly parents (which can be expanded to include a heavenly Father) or their lack of cynicism or their openness or their uninhibited joy and enthusiasm for the objects of their love that draw them to the God they cannot see. Whatever else parents and the other adults who care for children do, they must not hinder children from trusting in God, which seems to come naturally to them.” -Focus on the Family, The Complete Guide to Baby & Childcare

My simple encouragement this month is to spend time with your preschooler and let their faith rub off on you. In addition, we’d love to have your family join us for our Christmas Eve Service. There are two services specifically for families with children that I think you will enjoy. Those details are here: FPCO Christmas Eve 2017

In mid-January, we will begin enrollment for current families for the 2018-19 school year. There are three things you can do to help us get ready:

  1. Make sure younger siblings are on the WDS Waiting LIst!
  2. Share the email address of a family who might be interested in attending our Open House in late January. 
  3. Attend the 4 Day Preview (3 Day parents) on January 17 @ 9:30 am to learn about our curriculum and how WDS prepares children for kindergarten.

Merry Christmas!

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